Before Your Appointment 

Here is a quick list of things you you should do to make your tattoo appointment go as smoothly as possible.

  1. Get a good night’s sleep. Coping with stress (or pain) is more difficult if you aren’t well rested.

  2. Show up to your appointment on time. I always make sure to book extra time for your appointment. Showing up on time ensures that we have the time we need to make adjustments to placement, give breaks during those intense moments, and just overall have a more relaxing experience for everyone.

  3. Be sure to eat something before your appointment. Getting tattooed puts stress on your body which requires blood glucose to perform. If you come to your appointment in a fasted state, it is possible for you to experience something called vasovagal syncope, a sudden loss of consciousness. It is very important that your body be given the resources it needs to cope with this stress.

  4. Come to your appointment clean. Tattooing is only minimally invasive. However, to perform the procedure in a sanitary fashion, you need to be clean when you come to your appointment. So if your appointment is scheduled after work, or sports or something like that where you would be dirty afterward; be sure to leave enough time to shower before you come to your appointment.

  5. Come dressed for the occasion. When dressing for your appointment, consider things like placement, and personal comfort. If you are sitting for a long appointment, wear comfortable clothes. If you are getting tattooed in a place that may require you to remove or adjust clothing to get to, wear clothing that makes that placement easy to get to. Keep in mind that I need access to the area without having to constantly move your clothing out of the way for both technical and sanitary reasons. Also consider your own personal level of modesty. Some people are more comfortable than others when it comes to others seeing their bodies. I will always respect your personal space and comfort level in this regard. It will be up to you to provide what ever clothing is needed to keep you comfortable. But always feel free to let me know if you’re not comfortable and need to make adjustments, etc.

  6. Snacks! If you are going to be sitting for more than a couple of hours, be sure to bring a small snack to keep your blood sugar up. If you need a quick break, always feel free to let me know.

  7. Please limit your cellphone use. For both the quality of my work, and for my personal safety, it is very important that you hold as still as possible while getting tattooed. So I will ask that you limit your cellphone use. If you want to listen to music with headphones, that’s totally fine. But I will ask that you not have your phone in your hand. Scrolling social media, or texting, etc. can all result in you moving too much. Sudden movements, like trying to catch your phone as you drop it, can have disastrous results! If you must answer your phone, answer a text, or take a selfie please let me know first, so we can take a break. I might ask you to share those selfies though! I always need good social media content. ;)

  8. Take a break! Especially for the longer sessions. Sometimes sitting in one position is more uncomfortable than the tattoo itself. Take a break and stretch, take a short walk, or grab something to drink. Sometimes just taking a few minutes to breathe will make all the difference.

  9. Always feel free to ask! If there is anything that you need to be more comfortable, never be afraid to ask. If you are uncomfortable with anything, let me know. Tattooing requires a great deal of focus on my part. I spend most of my energy and focus on your tattoo. That means I may not notice right away, even if it’s obvious. If you need a break, or need to readjust your position or clothes, etc. If anything at all makes you uncomfortable, never be afraid to let me know. If you have any questions or concerns about anything I’m doing, never be afraid to ask.