I offer a fully collaborative custom tattooing experience.

Unlike most custom tattooers, I provide the opportunity to work collaboratively on a design so that you get the tattoo you want. From the initial sketches, to refinements, and the finalization of the design, you will be included in every step of the process. This way, you can come to the appointment relaxed and knowing you’re getting the tattoo you want. Of course, not everyone has a fully realized concept of what they want or know how to make their vision a reality. You’re hiring a professional artist with more than 30 year’s experience and I will offer you my honest opinions, ideas, and critiques of every aspect of your design idea so that we can make your idea into a new tattoo!

The process for having a custom tattoo designed;

1. Send me an email with the information listed in this box. .

Email me here

Full Name

Email address

Phone number

Detailed description of what you’re wanting to have done.

Besides the description of the subject, please also include:

1. Color preferences

2. Style preferences

3. Approximate size (in. or cm. please) height and width

4. Where on your body you want it placed

Attach any reference photos you have.

Please send a straight on photo of where you want it placed so that I can best design the tattoo for the space.

2. After the consultation, I will send you a retainer agreement/estimate and invoice for the retainer. This will include a ballpark estimate of how long the tattoo will take. The hourly rate you will be charged for the tattoo depends on how much work is involved in the design process. The amount of the retainer will usually be between $100-$500. For very large work it may be more.

3. First stage sketches will be sent for review by email. If there are changes you want, please be as thorough as possible in your description of the changes. If there are changes to be made, I will make them and send you a followup sketch. Once you are happy with the design, we move to the next step.

4. I will finalize the design and if needed, I will do a rough color study.

5. Along with the finalized design, I will send you a link to book your appointment with my booking system. You will receive a confirmation email once you book an appointment. That email will also have links at the bottom for rescheduling or canceling your appointment. So please keep this email in case you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment.